Keyboard Technology
The Main Change Driver of Men’s Way of Recording Data
This paper examines the relationship between technology invention of keyboard and how it affects the method human race record data : from hand-writing to type-writing. The invention of keyboard itself has opened many doors of opportunities to us. This paper will then provides insights into how this keyboard technology has managed to bring a revolutionary change of human’s way of recording data.
In order to fully understand the reasons why it brings such change, one should know first the benefits of keyboard technology and how it can aid one in one’s daily activities : more convenient and faster in recording data, providing standardized alphabets, and presenting help for people with disability. Without overlooking the disadvantages keyboard technology posses, such as slowing down cognitive learners, imposing a possible health problem, as well as making people ‘stupid’, this paper seeks to assess the current development of keyboard technology and provides future outlook of this particular technology.
Throughout the history, human race has seen uncountable evolutionary and revolutionary changes that altered the way men perceived and applied things around them. There was indeed an abundant of inventions and innovations that consequently became the drivers of evolutionary world change. However, the main focus of these world change drivers shifts from time to time : revolutionary changes, which bring disruptive changes to our life, now become the spotlight.
Even so, most of the inventions invented came from a very modest beginning. On top of those mere beginning technologies, greater mechanisms were invented. As Isaac Newton once said, “If I have seen further it is only by standing on the shoulders of giants”. Indeed, many substantial world changes are driven by small innovations and more complicated inventions. However, one should not overlook simple little innovations that might become the main technologies that trigger world changes in the future.
In a similar way, keyboard was one of the few imminent technologies that brought about spurious revolution to human life. Even though it started, as of the case of most prominent technologies that changed the world, from a humble background and a basic technology, keyboard is certainly brought about a great convenience and improvement in speed and comfort during the action that aided people to develop and transmit their knowledge: the writing. Not only it enhances the experience of writing, it also helps with the dissipation of information more quickly, enabling exchange of passive and tacit knowledge, and ultimately, contributes to development of many technologies in the modern age. Hence, it is completely arguable that the keyboard is one of the main impetuses in the development of technology and world change.
“Nothing endures but change.” (Heraclitus)
1.Before the Invention of Keyboard
Looking far back to the Stone Age, when people carved paintings to communicate with each other, human’s way of recording data changed steadily, yet surely. With time, the data recording method is gradually changing : instead of using wall as the platform, they moved on to use clay as a platform, a more portable platform.
The invention of alphabet in between 1,700 and 1,500 B.C., which undeniably brought a revolutionary change, altered the way of data interpreting once more (Mary Bellis). Instead of using pictures to depict the events, men used alphabets, which was perceived as a more efficient way of conveying messages.
Not surprisingly, we managed to find a more convenient method of record keeping : we could at least breathe at ease when the Chinese invented paper and ink. However, the invention of paper and ink gave us more than just a more proficient method of writing; it somehow introduced the new ‘fashion’ of recording data. Thus, by the year of 1,200 B.C., the usage of paper and ink has become popular and consequently, paper and ink became the ‘dominant player’ in that particular era (Mary Bellis)(1).
2.The Invention of Keyboard
The idea of keyboard technology came around the year 1868. Though the keyboard technology is one of the big drive of world change, the idea itself is developed gradually, one step at a time. The year of 1868 is the first stepping stone of the invention of keyboard. It is the year when typewriter is invented. This Sholes & Glidden first typewriter is actually the basic layout of Qwerty keyboard, which later become the most popular layout that we still use nowadays. In 1936, however, there is another type of keyboard layout, Dvorak keyboard, that is arguably more efficient than the present Qwerty keyboard. (2)
In 1956, The Massachusetts Institute of Technology began implementing keyboard to computer as an input device. Through many deliberate steps of development of keyboard for decades, in 1984, I.B.M introduced a de facto standard for keyboard technology, which is still used until now. Provided this fact, we can imply that this particular event is indeed the realization of keyboard technology into our life. (2)
“No muss, no fuss, no pens, no pencils — not to speak of inkwells and calligraphy brushes.” (Barbara Demick, 2010)
In the offices, at schools, or even at universities, it is observable that people carrying their stationary around as much as they used to be in the past. Men are now, consciously or not, become dependent to keyboard with all its implementations. Given this current issue, a new question is posed: is the keyboard really a substitute for a pen? The answer of this question lies within the reality that the invention of keyboard is put into practice into almost every areas of human life that needs writing. Indeed, the humble invention of keyboard has brought upon a dramatic change of the way of recording data and conveying knowledge.
One of such conveying of knowledge is in the source of the knowledge: education, and ultimately, schools. It has been for decades that schools exercised cursive writing as a standard curriculum for the reason that cursive writing used to be perceived as one of the best style of writing. However, the keyboard technology consequently starts to replace the role of cursive writing as a curriculum in schools.
Some students are now not required to take cursive writing in the new curriculums. Starting this Fall, the Indiana Department of Education will no longer enforce public schools to exercise cursive writing to their students anymore(3). Instead of teaching students how to do cursive writing, public schools in Indiana decide to teach keyboarding to the students. This new regulation involves a point of view that keyboarding skill, which used to be almost as essential as cursive writing skill, is right now arguably more important than cursive writing skills. Surely, yet gradually, in some parts of the world, the role of keyboard is now replacing the role of pen and paper.
The usage of keyboard itself varies across the society. As with the case of the writing tools, keyboards are implemented mainly into computers, be it desktops or laptops and secondarily, to mobile phones. Ranging from normal keyboards to ergonomic keyboards, or usually called V-shaped keyboards, these keyboards are developed specifically for personal use. In 2008, according to the Forrester Research, 90% of Americans aged from 18 to 28 owned a personal computer. The similar research by the same researcher also showed that 82% of Americans aged from 18 to 28 owned a mobile phone. The research, although it only represents a continent, implicitly shows that the majority of youths in that side of the world used keyboard as their writing tools.(4)
A much deeper implementation of keyboards can be seen on mails. Keyboard technology, combined with the invention of computer and internet technology, is now used as a replacement of hand-written mails. Research that has been done by Radicati Group showed in 2010 showed that there is an estimation of 294 billion of emails sent each day from all around the world(5). On the other hand, traditional letters or the pen and paper letters, are now becoming the ‘falling star’ of such way of communicating to each other. A survey conducted on 1200 children to mark the National Letter Writing Day revealed that children are less likely use written letters from year to year : 31% of 13-14 years old children have never written a traditional letter(6).
Then, the next questions arise : what is it actually that cause this whole phenomenon to occur? What is it from keyboard technology that make typewriting more popular than hand-writing? In order to be able to answer these questions, one must first fully understand the advantages and disadvantages of typewriting using keyboards compared to hand-writing.
The benefits of this invention that probably influence people to use keyboard technology more are explained into three main factors. Economically, using keyboard as a data recording tool is much more efficient than using pen and paper in sense of time. For those who have been exposed to keyboard technology, their typewriting speed is likely to be faster than their normal hand-writing speed. According to research conducted by Teresia R. Ostrach and Five Star Staffing, Inc., an average person should be able to type approximately 40 words per minute(7).
On the contrary, using Allcock Handwriting Assessment method, it is estimated that an adult can only write about 22-23 words per minute(8). Based on the two researches, it is strongly arguable that in general, typewriting using keyboard is much more faster than writing using pen.
The next benefit to be considered is the fact that the practicality of the layout of keyboard provides us with a standardized alphabets and numerous type of fonts that make words easier to read. Have you ever received a hand-written letter from a bank? The reason why the professional world used typed documents because of the standardized words that are neater and easier to read. Compared to the less minimum errors caused by the properly typed documents, hand-written prescriptions from doctors to the patients made numerous mistakes. A report from the National Academics of Science, Institute of Medicine states that in the US, practitioners’ bad hand-writing kills more than 7000 people annually(9). Realizing , some private hospitals have introduced properly typed prescriptions using standardized words in order to minimize the errors done by the doctors.
Last but not least, a group of people in the society will definitely have a practical benefit from the invention of keyboard technology and all its implementations. People with disability, ranging from blind to disability to write, are aided by special keyboards developed specifically for them. Keyboard technology promotes the equality of using technology and communicating with each other. Magic Wand Keyboard, for instance, enables people with disability to operate the keyboard with the slightest effort : they don’t need to press any button or even move a finger; they can use their head movement to move the ‘wand’ to a certain alphabet to press it(10). Hence, the three benefits that keyboard technology provides reflect how far this technology actually can aid us as we go on our own life journey.
“Nothing is perfect, that is why pencils have erasers.” The fact that nothing in this world can not escape from imperfection also applied in this technology. Keyboard technology undeniably provides benefit to human race; unfortunately, it still has drawbacks that men should not overlook. In order to completely grasp the potential of keyboard technology, one ought to understand the disadvantages of using typing method instead of hand-writing method.
In education sector, keyboard might provide advantages to students by means of speed and convenience. However, according to a research conducted by University of Stavanger, Norway and Université de la Méditerranée, Marseille, France, evidences show that writing is in fact a process of integrating visual, motor, and cognitive parts(11). For cognitive learners, people who learn best by experiencing with their body, such as writing the things they want to memorize, the shift from hand-writing to typing will greatly put them at a disadvantage. In this case, it is not a matter of speed or convenience anymore : keyboard technology instead becomes a stumbling block for some people. In a similar way, a research done by Lisa Anthony. Jie Yang, and Kenneth R. Koedinger clearly showed that especially in Mathematics, students who hand-write to solve their Mathematics problems can finish the Mathematic problem as fast as twice than those who type to learn Mathematics(12).
It is highly believed that this phenomenon lies in the fact that students surprisingly learn Mathematics more efficiently by writing on paper.
The next interesting setback of keyboard technology is related to health and environment. At first, people perceive typing is much more cleaner than hand-writing. Surprisingly, by typing using keyboard, there are cases found that keyboard at some places, especially at work places, are not healthy. A new medical term, “qwerty tummy” is now used to address a stomachache caused by the germs found on dirty keyboards. The hygiene level of keyboards in work places is so low that there is time when a keyboard is found to have 150 times the acceptable limit for bacteria or 5 times dirtier than a toilet(13).
Keyboard technology is also accused as a ‘cultural destructive weapon’. The standardization of letters, aside from creating a neater and easier to read standard letters, actually has the possibility of making people ‘stupid’. In an April poll commissioned by the China Youth Daily, 83% of the 2,072 respondents are having problems with writing Chinese characters(14). They are so used to typing standardized Chinese characters with the help of keyboard technology that they even forget how write in Chinese characters. This phenomenon is already so common today that people actually named this incident “ti bi wang zi” in Chinese, or “take pen, forget characters” in English. In a similar way, Japanese are also facing the same difficulty. Japanese called this incident “Kanji Amnesia” : an incident when people forget how to write in Kanji, similarly to people in China(15). Keyboard technology makes Kanji easier to write using a very clever method. All they have to do is to write the ‘sound’ of the Kanji words and they will get the word instantly.
“The sky is the limit.” (Cervantes, Don Quixote)
Indeed, most technology has no limitation for development. The keyboard technology has received more attention as people are realizing that this particular technology has a huge potential to be developed.
1.Holographic Keyboard
The most imminent innovation that we are going to see in the near future is the holographic keyboard. Holographic keyboard, which is in fact the concept of iPhone 5, is going to receive the spotlight of all the features iPhone will provide. Holographic or laser keyboard is an innovation that emphasizes on convenience : the body of the keyboard will be replaced by a mere hologram. The idea was first introduced by Canesta and VKB in 2002, which before was perceived as a mere fantasy. The upcoming iPhone 5 with its laser keyboard concept is one of the implementation of future keyboard into future gadgets that is indeed going to be a huge hit on the Smartphone market(16).
The possible future disadvantage might be related to how the laser keyboard’s layout will look on an irregular surface. A holographic keyboard will definitely require a regular flat surface to be able to work properly; thus, making it harder for some groups of people to appropriately use the keyboard.
2.Eye-Movement Tracking Keyboard
Until now, all the innovations are dealing with the layout of the keyboard and its user interface. However, there is a huge possibility that the keyboard will change so drastically that we do no have to press any button in order to input the alphabets we want to type. There is, surprisingly, companies who have already began developing multi-function eye controlled keyboard, such as EyeGaze, MyTobii, and Iriscom(17). Though they have the basic product ready to use for public, there is a huge chance that the keyboard will be developed in such ways that the users totally require no deliberate eye-movement to type the alphabets they want.
Nevertheless, there is a drawback of this futuristic keyboard technology : people who has eye disabilities will have difficulties operating this kind of keyboard. Furthermore, to operate this kind of keyboard, one must be trained well enough to move one’s eyes in order to accurately operate the keyboard.
3.Voice Recognition Keyboard
In the next 20 to 30 years, the future keyboard will be more efficient. Voice recognition is an alternative to typing a keyboard. In other words, we say what we want to type. The software has been developed superficially to provide a fast method of writing onto a computer and can help people with a variety of disabilities. It is useful for people with physical disabilities who often find typing difficult. Voice recognition software can also help those with spelling difficulties, including dyslexic users, people who, those who have learning disabilities in reading and interpreting words(18).
On the other hand, for those who have difficulties with speaking, or mute people, are unable to operate this keyboard. Moreover, this keyboard hence will require a quiet environment in order to carry the order, which is users’ voice, correctly.
4.Neural Impulse Actuator
Although it sounds like a science fiction at first, a new way of operating the computer is being developed by OCZ Technology Group, Inc. One day, we even do not need a keyboard or a mouse to operate a computer thus, making keyboard technology obsolete. This technology only requires the users to think about what they want to do with the computer without even moving a single muscle(19). However, we still have a long way to go as this advanced technology still requires more researches and adjustments.
This technology, though renders keyboard obsolete, will definitely benefit people who suffer from Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, those who suffers from a pressure on their wrists’ nerves, thus making them difficult to move their hands to type. Another possible group of people who will greatly benefit this technology is the gamers. Gamers, given the speed they can operate the computer, will be able to move their game ‘character’ faster than using keyboards or clicking their mouse.
On the contrary, the users also have to be trained properly in order to operate the technology efficiently. Similarly, if the users think of other things, computer will probably do some errors.
In my perspective, I strongly believe that keyboard has indeed brought the world a revolutionary change, from hand-writing to type-writing. It has greatly given us numerous advantages, ranging from convenience to time management. By providing us these benefits, people from all over the world are now realizing how far this particular technology can be further developed.
In order to strive in this globalization era, we have to consider every technology’s advantages and disadvantages. In this case, keyboard technology itself is a double-edged sword; it also possesses some setbacks, such as imposing health problems or imposing a possible loss of identity.
Nonetheless, it depends on us, the users. The technology itself is just and good; the focus is us, whether we are able to control it to a certain extend that it will not harm us or not. I feel that in this case, we are already doing a pretty decent job of controlling the flow of keyboard technology development. The technology, though it quickly begins to replace the role of pen, we are still able to control it in such ways that it do not make us suffer a huge disadvantage.
In the future, keyboard technology might be the one who receive the main spotlight. I believe so because as people are using more and more of this technology, they eventually realize that this particular technology in fact brings them about a great benefit while not overlooking the drawbacks imposed. In this case, I believe that the advantages of keyboard technology clearly outweigh the disadvantages it possesses.
7. Five Star Staffing, Inc.. Typing Speed : How Fast is Average. Orlando, FL : Teresia R. Ostrach