Wednesday, 28 September 2011

BioBusiness (again)

Hi everyone. Back with me again in this second lesson of BioBusiness. I was surprisingly enjoying this lesson, though I have to admit that I am not into this kind of sub-topic.

"When we are able to grow the resources we need, we will finally be on the road to sustainability." 
    -Gurinder Shahi-

That quotation from Prof intrigued me. I was wondering how and when will that happen. Are we able to grow all the resources we need by ourselves? If yes, when? Is it too late by then?

Dr. Norman Borlaug : the unsung hero. I have never heard that name before nor I was interested to know him... at first. However, Prof showed us a video, short yet meaningful, that conveyed that this man, Norman, was the one who proposed the idea of the concept of "Green Revolution". Green Revolution saved billions of lives, and yet, little appreciation has been given to Norman compared to others. 

There I provided a link from Wikipedia, in case you are interested in knowing more of Green Revolution.

Peers presentation
There is one presentation from my peer that is I personally think quite interesting. Michelle's short presentation about cows was really intriguing. She talked about how genes played important roles in breeding cows. I have never personally care or even think for a minute where do my burger come from... As long as it tastes good, I don't complain :p. However, after that brief presentation, I have to admit that now I am beginning to wonder where do all my food comes from. Are we now consuming GM food more than natural food? Is it good or bad for us? Well, I hope someday I will be able to find out the answer.

6/10. The four points missing are caused by my lack of interests of this particular sub-topic. Prof's idea and my peer presentation made the day!


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