Well, in the beginning of the class, I clearly remembered the Professor said something similar to this,"If you think you are the king of your hill and then you sit down, you are indeed going down." It made me think that perhaps that kind of attitude is one of the reasons that can explain why the West is slowing down. On the other hand, the attitudes of a 'rising star', which are optimistic, open to new ideas, and keen to invest in new ideas, are the exact kind of point of view and behaviors that everyone-every organization-every country needs most in order to thrive in this race.
There was, however, one intriguing discussion about Google that I found rather fascinating. Is Google really making us stupid and lost of identity? I have to say that I strongly disagree with the author of the article. Google and other search engines are definitely not the only driving factors that affect our identities. Years of life experience and our own point of view as well as attitude towards our surroundings possess a much more impact than what information Google can provide. Google may become the 'universal' tool for searching information, but nothing more. It will not, and can not, make us lose our identities, rather enrich them. By using Google, our knowledge will be broaden and our way of thinking will be changed as we, the users, will encounter many articles whom authors have different point of views.
One last sentence to end this post : I have a feeling that even though this TWC course is going to be tiring, this course will benefit me greatly !
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