Historical perspective :
Tracking far back to the stone age, where people write by carving on a piece of stone using berries or animal blood, we can now breathe at ease that someone invented paper and ink. However, with the invention of Keyboard, we now advance ourselves from writing to typing. (I also am going to provide a timeline)
Rationale for selecting this :
The invention of keyboard has brought a revolutionary change : we now type rather than write. People now type more than write : employees, students, don’t write letters and documents, they now type documents. Every little thing in our lives that can be replaced by the usage of keyboard is now being replaced by keyboard.
Current issues :
Usage : keyboard technology is applied on desktop, laptop, handphone, smartphone, security doors, calculator(?).
Advantages : neater, faster, more efficient, eco-friendly (no ink or anything to type things down, only fingers).
Drawbacks :
Keyboards make people ‘stupid’, Chinese and Japanese people are losing their identities, they type more than they write : some people forgot how to write in Chinese or Kanji (Kanji Amnesia). Some argue that we are losing our identity as our writing is replaced my mere alphabets being typed down.
Practicality and pragmatism.
Future outlook :
New innovations such as eye-movement keyboards and virtual keyboards that enable people to type things down by only moving their eyes or moving their fingers in mid-air.
Hey Kevin!
This topic is good in the sense that it's extremely relevant to us today, although we overlook it sometimes, it still is a revolutionary change that we probably would not be able to imagine not having!
So far your outline is constructive and easy to follow.
I notice you have listed some social impacts (convenience, making people stupid) and economic impacts (efficiency) and even environmental (eco-friendly). These are good points that you could possibly expand on separately to better show the revolutionary influence the keyboard has brought upon the world.
I am looking forward to reading more of your paper! :) Good luck!
Hi, just some add-ons:
You can also talk about how the design of the keyboard is kept inefficient (Qwerty design), and why the faster Dvorak design is not used. If the keyboard is meant for faster word input, why use a slower keyboard design?
Hi Kevin,
All of the important things I want to say have all been mentioned: your topic is intriguing,the outline is quite clear and well-presented.
You can also touch on the holographic keyboard,since that one is quite cool!
All the best!
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